Level: Experienced, Full Time Employee
- Contribute to architectural planning and design with development engineers
- Design and deploy cloud scale environments to study performance
- Develop and automate performance measurement and data analysis tools
- Understand the products in depth to be able to identify bottlenecks in code, design and architecture
- Implement or prototype optimization ideas
- Perform QA testing
- 5 or more years of substantial professional experience
- Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Engineering
- Strong programming skills in C/C++
- Strong Operating Systems fundamentals and Linux administration skills
- Excellent analytical, debugging, and troubleshooting skill
- Experience in performance benchmarking, analysis and optimization of distributed, multi-threaded applications in Java or C/C++
- Validated understanding of CPU, caches, memory, and software subsystems as they relate to performance
- Confirmed ability to work well with others in a dynamic, iterative development environment with ability to solve problem and prove own ideas
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Knowledge and experience with common performance benchmarks and workloads
- Knowledge of OS internals and compiler technology is a plus
- Knowledge of FORTRAN is a plus
- Strong understanding of system architecture, including processors, storage and networking
- Working knowledge of SPEC2006 and/or SPEC2017 benchmarks
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Tachyum正在通過其最近推出的旗艦產品改變人工智能、高性能計算、公共和私有云數據中心市場。 Prodigy神童是世界上第一款通用處理器,將CPU、GPGPU和TPU的功能統一到一個處理器中,為專業和通用計算提供行業領先的性能、成本和能效。當在超大規模數據中心配置Prodigy神童處理器時,它們使所有人工智能、高性能計算和通用應用程序能夠在一個硬件基礎設施上運行,每年為公司節省數十億美元。