- Supporting Tachyum customers and potential customers to easily use and adopt our emulation systems
- Providing feedback to our engineering team about customers’ requests and improvements
- Communication with engineering and business team
- Learn a variety of technologies, which we use (emulation platforms, virtualization, deployment automation)
- Create/localize technical materials
- Produce technical documentation
- Hands-on training for customers
- Bachelors or Masters in computer engineering or electrical engineering
- 3 or more years of experience it IT technical position
- Good communication skills, customer oriented
- Work well in a team environment, be proactive
- Self-motivated, curious with desire to continually learn and grow in support function
- Familiarity with applications running on Linux server environments – installation, monitoring
- Experience in system administration of Linux is big advantage
- Experience in deployment automation and provisioning
- Scripting (Bash and Python) development experience
- Analytical skills in the areas of incident management and problem-solving
- Experience with IT monitoring concepts and customization for local requirements
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Tachyum正在通过其最近推出的旗舰产品改变人工智能、高性能计算、公共和私有云数据中心市场。 Prodigy神童是世界上第一款通用处理器,将CPU、GPGPU和TPU的功能统一到一个处理器中,为专业和通用计算提供行业领先的性能、成本和能效。当在超大规模数据中心配置Prodigy神童处理器时,它们使所有人工智能、高性能计算和通用应用程序能够在一个硬件基础设施上运行,每年为公司节省数十亿美元。