Industry Associations
in the technology sector
Tachyum is proud to announce that it has become a member of several industry associations in the technology sector, such as GSA, JEDEC, IEEE, OpenBMC, UEFI, UCIe, Open Compute Project, Gaia-X (European Association for Data and Cloud).
As a member, Tachyum will contribute its expertise to panels and working groups, and participate in scheduled events. It will also enable key Tachyum management to network and engage with other member companies.

Innovation for Digital Infrastructure
Tachyum has also joined I4DI (Innovation for Digital Infrastructure) consortium to design the world’s fastest AI Supercomputer in Slovakia.
Together with fellow founding members PosAm, Towercom, IPM Group and InoCloud and newest members Seagate, WWT, VNET and Sylex are lending their expertise, along with partners SAS (Slovak Academy of Sciences) and MIRDI (Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization) who are bringing their relevant capabilities and experience to the development of the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) in Slovakia.

Collaboration with institutions in
Research & Academia
Tachyum has entered into two important MoUs with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) to collaborate on open supercomputing projects, scientific research, and innovations in artificial intelligence.
Both supercomputing centers will test an HPC infrastructure based on the Tachyum platform. We have entered into agreements also with prestigious universities and faculties. We are interested in creating a Knowledge and Innovation Community for AI that mutually benefits research, business, manufacturing and university education.

Industry Associations in the technology sector
Tachyum is proud to announce that it has become a member of several industry associations in the technology sector, such as GSA, JEDEC, IEEE, OpenBMC, UEFI, UCIe, Open Compute Project, Gaia-X (European Association for Data and Cloud).
As a member, Tachyum will contribute its expertise to panels and working groups, and participate in scheduled events. It will also enable key Tachyum management to network and engage with other member companies.

I4DI Innovation for Digital Infrastructure
Tachyum has also joined I4DI (Innovation for Digital Infrastructure) consortium to design the world’s fastest AI Supercomputer in Slovakia.
Together with fellow founding members PosAm, Towercom, IPM Group and InoCloud and newest members Seagate, WWT, VNET and Sylex are lending their expertise, along with partners SAS (Slovak Academy of Sciences) and MIRDI (Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization) who are bringing their relevant capabilities and experience to the development of the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) in Slovakia.

Collaboration with institutions in Research & Academia
Tachyum has entered into two important MoUs with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) to collaborate on open supercomputing projects, scientific research, and innovations in artificial intelligence.
Both supercomputing centers will test an HPC infrastructure based on the Tachyum platform. We have entered into agreements also with prestigious universities and faculties. We are interested in creating a Knowledge and Innovation Community for AI that mutually benefits research, business, manufacturing and university education.